This page collects the Computer Science notes I have made. Computer Science in IGCSE and A-Level is a notorious subject be blamed for its huge amount of knowledge to be memorized. I hope this notes could help learners gain happiness on their path of studying Computer Science, and definitely achieve high scores.
Note Format:
past-paper questions
are underlinedMark-scheme answers
are coloured blueEmphasized words
are bold

A Level
- Chapter 13.1: User-defined Data Types
- Chapter 13.2: File organisation and access
- Chapter 13.3: Floating-point numbers: representation and manipulation
- Chapter 14: Communication and Internet technologies
- Chapter 15.1: Processors, Parallel Processing and Virtual Machines
- Chapter15.2: Boolean Algebra And Logic Circuits
- Chapter 16.1: Purpose of an operating system
- Chapter 16.2: Translation Software
- Chapter 17: Security
- Chapter 18: Artificial Intelligence
- Chapter 19.1: Algorithms
- Chapter 19.2: Recursion
- Chapter 20.1: Programming Paradigms
- Chapter 20.2: File processing and Exception Handling
- Paper4: Practical Notes
To be released soon🐼
CIE 官方文件
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